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Elektronska podrška osiguranju kvaliteta i Bolonjskom procesu

The development of information technologies is the foundation of the development of every university. The formation of a strong information technology department is the key to the development of information technology at the University. This department should take over the maintenance of existing and development of new software packages. The Technical Support Department would maintain and improve infrastructure and other resources, and provide support to other University and faculty staff.

Project goals

The main goal of the project is to improve the current state of the information system, and to improve the software
support defined by the Bologna Process. Based on the main goal we can define a larger number

Other project goals:

  • Improving existing resources and introducing new services
  • Improving the stability of the University information system
  • Improving the teaching process with computer-assisted learning, multimedia teaching content
  • Opening of the University to business entities (computer-based courses, post-education, specialist education)
  • Support for the development of a database of human, logistical and financial resources
  • Supported the development and modernization of the student service
  • Automation of reporting and statistical analysis systems
  • Automation of exam registration, filling in documents

Electronic support for quality assurance and the Bologna process at the University "Džemal Bijedic" in Mostar

Implementation of the quality system and the Bologna process at the university The quality system (QA) and the Bologna process at the University "Džemal Bijedić" are carried out mainly in a package with events in this area that take place at the state level. Thus, the University actively participated in all Council of Europe projects supporting higher education reform, and these projects addressed issues of recognition of qualifications, development of new qualifications frameworks, quality, university management, and other issues relevant to higher education. Of course, there are also a number of Tempus projects through which we address individual areas of reform.

As for internal activities at the University itself, a body was formed a few years ago to develop a new development strategy for the University. The aim of this activity is to unite the University in relation to the main strategic issues of future development, organization, teaching process, quality, international cooperation and everything else, through a public debate of all university employees. Work on new strategic documents is a good preparation for the implementation of new legal provisions, as they set out the main guidelines for development and organization.

Implementation of QA and ECTS

All faculties initiated activities on the introduction of ECTS, student surveys were conducted, student workload was calculated, plans and courses were analyzed, and loans were awarded to each of them.

It was the first opportunity for the representatives of all faculties to work together for the first time on activities whose concrete result is the creation of information packages for each of the faculties. This will definitely help the implementation, ie. introduction of the credit system in practice, after the legal conditions for that are created.

There is no organizational or administrative structure that supports ECST procedures. As part of the first projects carried out at the University in recent years, the working groups made a kind of revision of the curricula and calculated and allocated loans. In the process, ECTS coordinators have been appointed at each of the faculties.

However, all this remained on a formal and theoretical level because ECTS was never really put into practice. Dedicated infrastructure does not exist and the people appointed are not officials who treat ECTS implementation as part of their work responsibilities, and this is impossible to expect without the integration of universities and central procedures that will be approved by university legal procedures.

Use of information systems in the implementation of QA and ECTS

Fortunately, the information system is one of the areas with fairly clearly defined plans and activities in recent years. The strategy was created very successfully and the implementation of activities on networking of the campus, and on the computerization of most services and procedures at the University. All the infrastructure necessary for networking has been built, and in order to facilitate the integration of the University, the creation of a common database for the entire University is underway. The process of entering data from student services of all faculties is being prepared. The database provides access to all university data and students in all departments. IT support is one of the basic preconditions for the integration of the University, and the basis for the implementation of the quality system and ECTS. This information system should enable the enrollment of all students in a single database, and the processing of statistical data in the new organization of the University.

The quality assurance information system should provide results that meet four basic criteria:

  1. One-time entry of data relevant for quality assessment and the possibility of access to the same for analysis;
  2. Distributed method of data entry and general updating of the database, so that each entity in the system enters data related to it, and that the data is immediately after entry available to entities that, according to the granted privileges, have access rights;
  3. Real-time monitoring and analysis of quality parameters.
  4. Providing timely and objective information to students and the public in order to ensure transparency of university work.

Project beneficiaries

The project will be implemented at the University level. The beneficiaries of this project are the University and all faculties. This project is the basis for the integration of the University. All data on permanent employees, external associates, students, material and technical means will be stored in a common database.

The target groups that should directly benefit from the project are employees and students at the University "Džemal Bijedic" Mostar. The greatest benefit from this project will benefit university departments for resource management using the information system, which is the subject of this project with the realization of an effective quality assurance mechanism. The data of this system will provide the Management of the University / Faculty with information on the basis of which they should propose measures for raising the level of quality of work of the higher education institution.

Significance of the project

An important prerequisite for quality assurance is the timely availability of all relevant information on the basis of which the parameters for quality assessment are performed. Following the quality parameters, it is possible to identify weaknesses and monitor the effects of the implemented measures. It is important that quality assurance offices have the resources to collect and analyze information on the activities of a higher education institution.

The lack of this information leads to ignorance of the real parameters of the functioning of university structures as well as monitoring of corrective measures taken to improve it. Based on the report, the university management will more efficiently and effectively monitor the implementation of all activities within the University and make decisions in a much shorter period of time in order to improve quality. This also applies to other bodies of the University within certain organizational units that should work on the implementation of quality assurance policy.

An information system of this type will provide students with significantly better quality study services. Also, the same activities will simplify the execution of a number of administrative activities that are constantly encountered during studies. Through this system, teaching staff will be enabled to more effectively organize teaching activities, as well as the manner of recording and monitoring students. Staff employed in student services will be enabled to work more easily, which will raise productivity to a higher level.

The implementation of the information system will indirectly assist the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BiH in monitoring the implementation of the prescribed standards for higher education.

Competent ministries and other bodies responsible for certain segments of higher education, which are especially interested in the work of higher education institutions, will be able to use the information system report to monitor how the higher education institution meets its goals and plans next steps to support the development of these institutions. Finally, scientific research institutions can use information system information to plan the staff needed for a variety of scientific research projects.

Year: 2010

Project leader: Salko Kovačić

Source of funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Science

Budget: 30,000 KM

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